Welcome to Day 2 of SpelBound 2021!
3:00pm – 3:45pm (EST) Curriculum Designed with You in Mind: STEM Lecture Access Live Session
Dr. Rosalind Bass, Chair, Associate Professor, and Director of Health Careers Program will lead a STEM focused mock lecture, providing students with an inside look at Spelman’s unique academic environment.
4:00pm – 5:00pm (EST) What to Expect After You Accept Access Live Session
An opportunity for admitted students and families to hear from campus partners who will assist new students throughout their transition and matriculation at Spelman. Representatives from Undergraduate Studies, Residence Life, Student Life, Career Development & Planning, and Health Services will be featured.
5:15pm – 6:15pm (EST) Financing Your Future: Financial Aid Information Session Access Live Session
Hear from the Director of Financial Aid and Director of Admissions about your financial aid next steps.
6:25pm – 7:00pm (EST) Contemplative Practice – Meditation Access Live Session
A resource for helping you to recharge and renew, so that you have the energy to navigate all that is happening. Led by Dr. Veta Goler, this session will allow you to meditate and engage in other practices that will enable you to access the peace, strength and creativity we need right now.